Background Papers and Resources

Background Papers were developed by the Sustainable Health Review Secretariat to inform the work of the Sustainable Health Review Panel. The Background Papers provide an indication of the issues that may have emerged throughout the Sustainable Health Review, including the type of information the Panel may have considered. This includes broad context on the topic, information received throughout a variety of engagement mechanisms, and relevant exemplars. The Panel is grateful for the responses and contributions that were made through feedback, public events, Working Groups, and Reference Groups which helped to shape the Final Report.

Disclaimer: Background Papers are not intended to be a comprehensive overview of the subject nor do they represent the position of the Western Australian Government. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, currency and reliability of the content, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact the quality of the information.

Below are resources that assisted in informing the SHR Panel’s considerations. The resources do not necessarily reflect the views or agreed positions of the Panel.

Discussion Paper

Financial Sustainability Working Group (PDF 1MB). This paper was developed by the Financial Sustainability Working Group in May 2018 to provide an overview of the current state, potential future opportunities and enablers. The Working Group membership included consumer and carer, workforce, clinical, Department of Health, Health Service Provider, and external representation.

Draft Heat Map Assessment Health Reform Committee Recommendations

This paper (PDF 225KB) is a subjective review of the implementation of recommendations of the Health Reform Committee (HRC; “Reid Review”) to assist the Sustainable Health Review (SHR) Panel in identifying lessons relevant to the SHR. Information was gathered from a variety of sources, many not directly involved in implementing the HRC recommendations. The paper assesses implementation of HRC recommendations at five years from the report’s release; the HRC did not itself recommend implementation occur within a specific timeframe.

Person-centred services in Western Australia

Directions for health, aged care and disability services in a changing policy environment (December 2017) (PDF 3MB) this exploratory, commissioned work provides background information and is assisting in further discussions with a range of groups around person-centred and integrated care.

Staff Survey

Ernst & Young were engaged to design and deliver a staff survey (PDF 4MB) to gain feedback on the Sustainable Health Review to all WA health system employees. The purpose of the survey was to gather feedback and comments following the release of the Interim Report.


Last reviewed: 20-06-2022