7 September 2016

Milestones for Royal Perth PARTY Program

This week marks the milestone of the 10,000 student to participate in Royal Perth Hospital's (RPH) Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth (PARTY). Minister for Health John Day said 2016 also recognises the 10th anniversary of the program.

The PARTY program educates young people about the dangers of alcohol consumption and high-risk behaviour.

The aim is to teach young adults to recognise risks and make informed choices about their activities and behaviours.

Deputy Premier and Road Safety Minister Liza Harvey announced $402,000 from the Road Trauma Trust Account to fund the 2016-17 PARTY program, with a major focus on road safety.

Students hear from trauma victims and also discuss what choices they could make in a variety of situations to prevent themselves, their family or friends from being injured.

"The program highlights the stark reality of how quickly what seems like a good time can go bad," Mr Day said.

In addition to the program at RPH, outreach and rural programs have been developed, tailored to provide targeted preventive education in response to community demand.

For more information about the PARTY program visit the Royal Perth Hospital website (external site).