28 June 2022

COVID-19 update: 28 June 2022

WA Health is reporting a total of 4,810 new cases to 6pm last night. There are currently 26,579 active cases in Western Australia.

To 6pm last night, there were 246 people with COVID-19 in hospital, 11 in ICU.

Sadly, today’s report includes four deaths, dating back to 23 June, which were reported to WA Health yesterday.

This includes two women in their 90s, a woman in her 80s and a man in his 70s.

Due to confidentiality requirements, no further information on these cases will be released by the Department.

Total case breakdown:

Region                        Active            (new to 6pm last night)
Metropolitan                21,868              (3,978)
Goldfields                        392               (55)
Great Southern                 521              (101)
Kimberley                         197              (62)
Midwest                            741              (126)
Pilbara                              391              (83)
South West                    1,497              (241)
Wheatbelt                         556              (92)


  1. This data is based on the residential postcode of each case. The case may have an isolation address in another region.
  2. The remainder of daily cases reported (72) are yet to have a region assigned. Data will continue to be reconfigured as this information is verified.

Of the 4,810 cases, 1,239 were confirmed via PCR test, the remaining 3,571 were self-reported positive rapid antigen tests.

A total of 8,618 PCR tests were conducted at either state-run or private pathology clinics yesterday.

WA has recorded 892,527 cases since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

Anyone experiencing symptoms should get tested immediately and isolate until they receive a negative result. Visit the HealthyWA website for a full list of testing clinics and opening hours (external site).

COVID-19 vaccinations

Vaccination information is available on the WA COVID-19 dashboard (external site).*

People are encouraged to make a booking via Vaccinate WA.

Media contact: (08) 9222 4333* This dashboard updates at approximately 2pm AWST on weekdays.