23 August 2019

Perth physician to deliver TEDx talk

Dr Jessamine Soderstrom, an Emergency Physician and Clinical Toxicologist at Royal Perth Hospital has been announced as a speaker at TEDxPerth 2019.

Perth physician Dr Jessamine Soderstrom
Dr Jessamine Soderstrom, who will deliver a TEDx talk in Perth.

Dr Soderstrom will speak on the Emerging Drugs Network of Australia (EDNA), a project started at Royal Perth Hospital.

It will form the backbone of a national early warning system for what illicit drugs are causing harm in the community.

The EDNA aims to foster collaboration between hospitals, forensic laboratories, public health departments, ambulances and user groups.

Dr Soderstrom will deliver her TEDxTalk to an audience of over 1,500 at Perth Concert Hall on Saturday 7 September.

Find out more about Dr Soderstrom and other other speakers at TEDXPerth (external site).