26 May 2021

Influenza – it's now time to get vaccinated

WA Health has launched the influenza prevention campaign to raise awareness about influenza vaccination and to encourage all eligible Western Australians, including those ‘at risk’, to get vaccinated.

With the onset of colder weather, we expect to see an increase in respiratory virus cases, such as influenza, and with the added risk of COVID-19 outbreaks, there is more reason for everyone to get vaccinated against both viruses when they are eligible.

Please ensure you leave the recommended interval of 14 days between the receipt of influenza and COVID-19 vaccines.

Seasonal influenza is a common, highly-contagious and potentially serious viral respiratory illness. Annual vaccination is the most effective means to prevent influenza and its complications.

Other groups who are most at risk of serious complications from influenza are children, pregnant women, seniors and Aboriginal people. Please strongly encourage individuals in these groups to be vaccinated against influenza.

Free influenza vaccines continue to be extended to WA primary school-aged children though GPs, Aboriginal Medical Services and community immunisation clinics.

You can find out more about the influenza immunisation campaign and download materials at health.wa.gov.au/influenzaprevention

For more information about the influenza immunisation program and resources including brochures and fact sheets visit health.wa.gov.au/influenzaimmunisation