Subacute care guidelines, policy and reporting

The subacute care sector of the WA Health system has undergone significant changes in recent years. The following resources may assist health professionals in the sector to navigate new policies, guidelines and reporting requirements that govern working practices.




The changes in the subacute care sector have been driven by agreements at a national level to improve access to subacute care services through funding provided in the two National Partnership Agreements (NPAs).

The Subacute Care Progress Synopsis (Word 1.25MB) is a summary designed to give readers a system wide overview of the recent development of subacute care in WA.

Reporting templates

As part of the funding requirement, health services are required to provide regular financial and activity reports to the Department of Health.

The following reporting templates were developed to help meet National Partnership Agreements (NPA) reporting requirements.

NPA Improving Public Hospital Services - Schedule E

NPA Improving Public Hospital Services - Schedule E


More information

Aged Care Programs and Planning Team
Postal address: PO Box 8172, Perth Business Centre, Perth WA 6849, Australia
Phone: 9222 4074

Last reviewed: 12-04-2022
Produced by

Subacute, Community and Aged Care Directorate