Sponsorship Policy-No longer applicable. Superseded by MP 0005/16 Grants, Esoteric Arrangements and Sponsorships Policy
MP 0047/17 - Sponsorship Policy-No longer applicable. Superseded by MP 0005/16 Grants, Esoteric Arrangements and Sponsorships Policy (pdf 1MB)
Applicable to: This Policy is applicable to WA health system entities.
Integrity Statement
WA health system entities must conduct procurement activities to the highest standards of integrity, probity and accountability.
In complying with this Policy, WA health system entities must ensure that:
- all decisions regarding procurement are made by an appropriately authorised officer, and are transparent and capable of review
- all conflicts of interest are identified, declared and managed in the public interest
- the principles of consistency, impartiality and confidentiality are upheld
- adequate records are maintained to provide for scrutiny and review of decisions.
WA health system entities must comply with all requirements related to the use of the mandatory Conflicts of Interest Policy, and the Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy, including requirements to use the mandatory systems to register, declare and seek approval for any conflicts of interest that arise or gifts received.
Please refer to the Integrity Policy Framework for further details.
Description: This Policy aims to ensure that WA health system entities entering into a sponsorship arrangement do so in a manner that achieves value for money and is consistent with the goals and objectives of the WA health system.
The Sponsorship Policy establishes uniform process and governance requirements that apply to WA health system entities when establishing and managing sponsorship arrangements.
Sponsorship involves the provision of a right to associate the sponsor’s name, products and/or services with the sponsored organisation’s services, products and/or activities in return for negotiated and specific benefits such as money, services, goods, in-kind support and/or promotional opportunities. Sponsorships can be incoming (whereby WA health system entities receive money or in-kind benefits from a non-state government organisation for an event or initiative) or outgoing (whereby WA health system entities provide money or in-kind benefits to a non-state government organisation for an event or initiative).
This Policy sets out the process and documentation requirements for WA health system entities when seeking to enter into a sponsorship agreement. Sponsorship agreements are used to positively promote the WA health system’s corporate identity, reputation and relationship with its stakeholders, and must not be used in place of:
(a) a contract for engaging an organisation to supply goods, services or works to WA health system entities (refer
Procurement and Contract Management Policy)
(b) a grant for providing financial assistance to an organisation to assist them to carry out their established purpose and, in doing so, support the WA health system’s strategic intent (refer
Grants Policy).
This Policy and its associated process and documentation requirements will not apply to donations. Refer to the Financial Management Policy Framework for how donations should be managed.
This is a mandatory requirement under the Procurement Policy Framework pursuant to section 26(2)(d) of the Health Services Act 2016.
This Policy is also a mandatory requirement for the Department of Health pursuant to section 29 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994.
Date of effect: 01 March 2017
Policy Framework
HSS - Office of the Chief Procurement Officer templates and guides