Chief Allied Health Office homeless health action plan 2022–2025

19 October 2023

The Chief Allied Health Office homeless health action plan 2022–2025 outlines the actions being undertaken by the Chief Allied Health Office (CAHO) with the aim to improve health care access, equity and quality for people experiencing homelessness. The plan’s key streams and actions were developed from a systematic process:

  • analysis of WA Government strategies, reviews, and policies relevant to homelessness and health 
  • formation in 2020 of the interagency Department of Health Homelessness Advisory Committee to provide oversight 
  • option identification by the Home2Health research team led by Professor Lisa Wood
  • in 2021, the identified options were weighted by key health stakeholder organisations
  • options with the collective highest rank were recommended for early action by the Advisory Committee.

Due to the varied and complex needs of individuals experiencing homelessness, a comprehensive health response across a variety of settings, underpinned by integration and collaboration, is crucial. There are several key elements for consideration when planning or delivering services to address homeless health needs.