Climate change and sustainability

The WA Government, through the Western Australian Climate Policy (external site), is committed to achieving net-zero emissions for WA by 2050 (external site) and to improving the state’s resilience to the effects of climate change.

These effects include rising temperatures and changing climatic conditions, as well as more frequent and intense extreme weather events. All these effects are linked with a range of health impacts that exacerbate existing health inequities and place increasing pressure on our health system.

In addition to being frontline in the response to climate threats, the health system is also a major source of emissions and waste. It is estimated that WA Health contributes approximately 8 per cent of total WA emissions.

In 2019, the Sustainable Health Review Final Report was published, with a key recommendation to reduce the health system’s environmental footprint and ensure mitigation and adaptation strategies are in place to respond to the health impacts and risks of climate change.

In 2020, the Government released the Climate Health WA Inquiry Final Report, which was the outcome of the first statutory inquiry anywhere in the world focused on the health impacts of climate change. The inquiry found that we must urgently reduce global emissions and identify and manage local climate health risks if we are going to avoid the worst health impacts of climate change.

Climate action plan

WA Health is taking action to build a climate resilient, low carbon and environmentally sustainable public health system for Western Australians, and has established a Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) to lead and coordinate a systemwide response on climate action and sustainability.

More information

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Last reviewed: 28-08-2023